NFO Fiber optic cable ZTT Z-ADSS.UT-02J, 2F, ADSS, G.652D, 1.2kN, Span 80m, 1m

NFO Fiber optic cable ZTT Z-ADSS.UT-02J, 2F, ADSS, G.652D, 1.2kN, Span 80m, cijena po 1m | PRODAJA ISKLJUČIVO U KOLUTU OD 1000m - 4 fiber | 1x tube | 4x fiber in 1 tube | Total diameter 5,2 mm | Universal one tube cable, aerial SPAN 80m or tele-technical canalisation. It is enhanced with aramid fibers and two FPR (Fiber Reinforced Polymer) rods | Light construction (~23kg/km), large flexibility and durability. The fibers are located in a central tube filled with a hydrophobic gel that protects them from moisture and vibrations. HDPE coat, UV resistant shell, temperature range between -43° and 70°C | Maximum tensile force: 1.2 kN | Pressure resistance: 1 kN | Weight: 23 kg/km | Za ostale dužine kabla javite se vašem prodajnom referentu

Jamstvo (mj.): 12


Bruto težina (kg): 0,03